We depend on a variety of gifts to help us run and manage our five life-changing programs. Giving in these ways makes a big impact on the day-to-day operations.
Amazon Wish List
Looking for an easy way to donate items? Our periodically-updated Amazon Wish List is a great way to donate items that are needed for our residential programs, as well as individual items for survivors.
In-Kind Needs List
You can also check here for our current needs list for our residential programs.
Youth Academy Needs
Our Youth Academy offers a clothing boutique and food pantry for high school students in need. Consider donating:
- New clothing for high school-aged youth (Favorite stores are: H&M, Target, Forever 21, Macy’s, and Express)
- Hygiene items in any size (e.g. deodorant, wet wipes, toothpaste and brushes, combs, body lotion, soap)
- Non-perishable prepackaged food (Specifically: water bottles, juice boxes, Nutella & Go! with breadsticks, granola bars, protein bars, raisins, trail mix, pop tarts, soup microwavable cups, ravioli pop tops)
- Frozen casseroles that students can take home, heat up, and share with their families for a filling, nutritious meal
- Sponsorships for field trips, enrichment activities and meals (e.g. lunch ‘n learns for youth and staff)
- Gift cards for incentives and needs-based: grocery stores, restaurants/fast food, movie theater, shoe and clothing stores (Specifically: Target, Walmart, Kroger and Visa/Mastercard, Chick-fil-a, Dominos, Taco Bell, Forever21, Payless, Amazon); Typically between $10 and $25 amounts.
- SEASONAL: We are accepting prom dresses! Prom is May 4.
To donate, contact Dionysia Ambrose
T: 404-948-4673
Women’s Academy Needs
Our Women’s Academy offers a clothing boutique and food pantry for participants in this program. Consider donating:
- Gently used work clothing for women of all sizes (blazers, dress pants, blouses, flats, heels)
- Non-perishable prepackaged food (water bottles, gatorade, granola bars, protein bars, instant oatmeal, canned vegetables, tuna pouches, ravioli pop tops, peanut butter)
- Instant meals (microwavable soup cups, beans and rice, microwavable meals)
- Frozen casseroles that participants can take home, heat up, and share with their families for a filling, nutritious meal
To donate, contact Dionne Houston
T: 404-317-3966
Vehicle Donations
If you are interested in donating a vehicle, please contact Barb Giuliano, Logistics Program Coordinator
T: 706-609-0154